PCode Code Brand Description
P2629 P2629 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 1 block 2 regulation of the current of pumping open circuit
P2630 P2630 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 1 block 2 regulation of the current of pumping low sign
P2631 P2631 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 1 block 2 regulation of the current of pumping high sign
P2632 P2632 PSA Fuel bomb B control open circuit
P2633 P2633 PSA Fuel bomb B control low sign
P2634 P2634 PSA Combustibel bomb B control high sign
P2635 P2635 PSA Fuel bomb A low flow / problem of functioning
P2636 P2636 PSA Fuel bomb B low flow / problem of functioning
P2637 P2637 PSA Pair management sign of comeback A incorrect functioning
P2638 P2638 PSA Pair management sign of comeback A problem of status / functioning