PCode Code Brand Description
P2639 P2639 PSA Pair management sign of comeback A low sign
P2640 P2640 PSA Pair management sign of comeback A high sign
P2641 P2641 PSA Pair management sign of comeback B incorrect functioning
P2642 P2642 PSA Pair management sign of comeback B problem of status / functioning
P2643 P2643 PSA Pair management sign of comeback B low sign
P2644 P2644 PSA Pair management sign of comeback B high sign
P2645 P2645 PSA Outriggers Actuador A block 1 open circuit
P2646 P2646 PSA Outriggers Actuador A block 1 problem of functioning or permanent defusing of the actuador
P2647 P2647 PSA Outriggers Actuador A block 1 permanent activation of the actuador
P2648 P2648 PSA Outriggers Actuador A block 1 low sign