PCode Code Brand Description
P2659 P2659 PSA Outriggers Actuador A block 2 high sign
P2660 P2660 PSA Outriggers Actuador B block 2 open circuit
P2661 P2661 PSA Outriggers Actuador B block 2 problem of functioning or permanent defusing of the actuador
P2662 P2662 PSA Outriggers Actuador B block 2 permanent activation of the actuador
P2663 P2663 PSA Outriggers Actuador B block 2 low sign
P2664 P2664 PSA Outriggers Actuador B block 2 high sign
P2665 P2665 PSA Solenoid of court of fuel B open circuit
P2666 P2666 PSA Solenoid of court of fuel B low sign
P2667 P2667 PSA Solenoid of court of fuel B high sign
P2668 P2668 PSA Witness of way of combustible defective circuit