PCode Code Brand Description
P2619 P2619 PSA Position of the crankshaft sign of bulging high sign
P2620 P2620 PSA Position of the butterfly sign of exit open circuit
P2621 P2621 PSA Position of the butterfly sign of bulging low sign
P2622 P2622 PSA Position of the butterfly sign of bulging high sign
P2623 P2623 PSA Regulator of pressure of control of the injector open circuit
P2624 P2624 PSA Regulator of pressure of control of the injector low sign
P2625 P2625 PSA Regulator of pressure of control of the injector high sign
P2626 P2626 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 1 block 1 regulation of the current of pumping open circuit
P2627 P2627 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 1 block 1 regulation of the current of pumping low sign
P2628 P2628 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 1 block 1 regulation of the current of pumping high sign