PCode Code Brand Description
P2445 P2445 PSA Petrol pump of secondary air block 1 permanent defusing of the bomb
P2446 P2446 PSA Petrol pump of secondary air block 2 permanent activation of the bomb
P2447 P2447 PSA Petrol pump of secondary air block 2 permanent defusing of the bomb
P2500 P2500 PSA Witness of the terminal alternator L low sign
P2501 P2501 PSA Witness of the terminal alternator L high sign
P2502 P2502 PSA Tension of the system of load
P2503 P2503 PSA Load system low tension
P2504 P2504 PSA Load system high tension
P2505 P2505 PSA Feeding tension modulated motive control
P2506 P2506 PSA Feeding tension modulated motive control problem of status / functioning