PCode Code Brand Description
P2415 P2415 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 1 block 2 error of sample of gas analysis of leakage
P2416 P2416 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 2 block 1/sensor warmed of oxygen 3 block 1 indicate transpuestas
P2417 P2417 PSA Warmed oxygen sensor 2 block 2/sensor warmed of oxygen 3 block 2 signs transpuestas
P2418 P2418 PSA Valve of commutation of emission for evaporation open circuit
P2419 P2419 PSA Valve of commutation of emission for evaporation low sign
P2420 P2420 PSA Valve of commutation of emission for evaporation high sign
P2421 P2421 PSA Valve of ventilation of emission for evaporation valve clogged in opening
P2422 P2422 PSA Valve of ventilation of emission for evaporation valve clogged in closing
P2423 P2423 PSA Catalyst of hydrocarbons block 1 efficiency below the threshold
P2424 P2424 PSA Catalyst of hydrocarbons block 2 efficiency below the threshold