PCode Code Brand Description
P2425 P2425 PSA Valve of refrigeration of gas recirculation of leakage open circuit
P2426 P2426 PSA Valve of refrigeration of gas recirculation of leakage low sign
P2427 P2427 PSA Valve of refrigeration of gas recirculation of leakage high sign
P2428 P2428 PSA Temperature gases escapes block 1 too high temperature
P2429 P2429 PSA Temperature gases escapes block 2 too high temperature
P2430 P2430 PSA System of injection of secondary air sensor flow / pressure angers block 1 defective circuit
P2431 P2431 PSA System of injection of secondary air sensor flow / pressure angers block 1 problem of status / functioning
P2432 P2432 PSA Injection system angers secondary sensor air flow / pressure block 1 low sign
P2433 P2433 PSA Injection system angers secondary sensor air flow / pressure block 1 high sign
P2434 P2434 PSA Injection system angers secondary sensor flow / pressure 1 intermittent / erratic circuit angers block