PCode Code Brand Description
P2507 P2507 PSA Tension of low feeding modulated motive control
P2508 P2508 PSA Tension of high feeding modulated motive control
P2509 P2509 PSA Tension of intermittent feeding modulated motive control
P2510 P2510 PSA Relay of control of the motive circuit of supervision problem of status / functioning
P2511 P2511 PSA Relay of control of the motive circuit of supervision intermittent circuit interruption
P2512 P2512 PSA Request of recording of dynamic information open circuit
P2513 P2513 PSA Request of recording of dynamic information low sign
P2514 P2514 PSA Request of recording of dynamic information high sign
P2515 P2515 PSA Sensor of pressure of the refrigerant of the air conditioning B defective circuit
P2516 P2516 PSA Sensor pressure of the refrigerating air conditioning B problem of status / functioning