PCode Code Brand Description
P2223 P2223 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 circuit supervision heater low sign
P2224 P2224 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 circuit supervision heater high sign
P2225 P2225 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 circuit supervision heater intermittent circuit interruption
P2226 P2226 PSA Sensor barometric pressure defective circuit
P2227 P2227 PSA Sensor barometric pressure problem of status / functioning
P2228 P2228 PSA Sensor barometric pressure low sign
P2229 P2229 PSA Sensor barometric pressure high sign
P2230 P2230 PSA Sensor barometric pressure intermittent interruption circuit
P2231 P2231 PSA Warmed sensor became oxygenated 1 block 1 circuit sign cortocircuitado to circuit of the heater
P2232 P2232 PSA Warmed sensor became oxygenated 2 block 1 circuit sign cortocircuitado to circuit of the heater