PCode Code Brand Description
P2253 P2253 PSA Warmed sensor became oxygenated 1 block 1 current control negative high sign
P2254 P2254 PSA Warmed sensor became oxygenated 1 block 2 current control denial open circuit
P2255 P2255 PSA Warmed sensor became oxygenated 1 block 2 current control negative low sign
P2256 P2256 PSA Warmed sensor became oxygenated 1 block 2 current control negative high sign
P2257 P2257 PSA Injection system angers secondary control A low sign
P2258 P2258 PSA Injection system angers secondary control A high sign
P2259 P2259 PSA Injection system angers secondary control B low sign
P2260 P2260 PSA Injection system angers secondary control B high sign
P2261 P2261 PSA Valve of derivation of the turbo-compressor / valve of derivation of the compressor of sobrealimentacion
P2262 P2262 PSA Not detected pressure of the turbo-compressor