PCode Code Brand Description
P2213 P2213 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 defective circuit
P2214 P2214 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 problem of status / functioning
P2215 P2215 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 sign of low entry
P2216 P2216 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 sign of high entry
P2217 P2217 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 sign of intermittent entry
P2218 P2218 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 control of the heating open circuit
P2219 P2219 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 control of the heater low sign
P2220 P2220 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 control of the heater high sign
P2221 P2221 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 circuit supervision heating defective circuit
P2222 P2222 PSA Sensor of oxides of nitrogen block 2 circuit supervision heating problem of status / functioning