PCode Code Brand Description
P1DE2 P1DE2 PSA Disconnection channel of entry
P2000 P2000 PSA I leak oxides nitrogen block 1 efficiency below the threshold
P2001 P2001 PSA Filter of oxides of nitrogen block 2 efficiency below the threshold
P2002 P2002 PSA Filter of particles block 1 efficiency below the threshold
P2003 P2003 PSA Filter of particles block 2 efficiency below the threshold
P2004 P2004 PSA Actuador control angers collector admission block 1 actuador clogged in opening
P2005 P2005 PSA Actuador control angers collector admission block 2 actuador clogged in opening
P2006 P2006 PSA Actuador control angers collector admission block 1 actuador clogged in closing
P2007 P2007 PSA Actuador control angers collector admission I block 2 actuador clogged in closing
P2008 P2008 PSA Collector angers solenoid control admission block 1 open circuit