PCode Code Brand Description
P2029 P2029 PSA Auxiliary heater driven by combustible cancellation of the system
P2030 P2030 PSA Auxiliary heater driven by combustible problem of functioning
P2031 P2031 PSA Sensor temperature gases escapes 2 block 1 defective circuit
P2032 P2032 PSA Sensor temperature gases escapes 2 block 1 low sign
P2033 P2033 PSA Sensor temperature gases escapes 2 block 1 high sign
P2034 P2034 PSA Sensor temperature gases escapes 2 block 2 defective circuit
P2035 P2035 PSA Sensor temperature gases escapes 2 block 2 low sign
P2036 P2036 PSA Sensor temperature gases escapes 2 block 2 high sign
P2037 P2037 PSA Sensor pressure angers injection of the differential defective circuit
P2038 P2038 PSA Sensor pressure angers injection of the differential problem of status / functioning