PCode Code Brand Description
P1907 P1907 PSA Relay kickdown supported circuit open sea / short circuit mass
P1908 P1908 PSA Solenoid pressure oils transmission - open sea / short circuit to mass
P1909 P1909 PSA Sensor temperature oils transmission - open sea / short circuit to mass
P1910 P1910 PSA Crown wheel, nº teeth erroneous
P1911 P1911 PSA I trump bulging pressure low VFS B
P1912 P1912 PSA I trump bulging pressure low VFS C
P1913 P1913 PSA Switch To pressure - defective circuit
P1914 P1914 PSA Interrupting Automatic / manual change - defective circuit
P1915 P1915 PSA Switch reverse gear - defective circuit
P1916 P1916 PSA Sensor speed height cylinder clutch - defective circuit