PCode Code Brand Description
P1866 P1866 PSA Transference transmission - required service
P1867 P1867 PSA I contact silver transference transmission - defective circuit
P1868 P1868 PSA Witness automatic transmission 4 wheels - defective circuit
P1869 P1869 PSA Witness automatic transmission 4 wheels - I cut to positive
P1870 P1870 PSA Switch transference mechanical transmission 4x4 - defective circuit
P1871 P1871 PSA Switch transference mechanical transmission 4x4 - I cut to positive
P1872 P1872 PSA Witness blocked mechanical transmission 4 wheels - defective circuit
P1873 P1873 PSA Witness blocked mechanical transmission 4 wheels - cut to positive
P1874 P1874 PSA Sensor feeding automatic transmission effect Entrance hall - defective circuit
P1875 P1875 PSA Sensor feeding automatic transmission effect Entrance hall - I cut to positive