PCode Code Brand Description
636 10 636 10 JOHN DEERE Pump Position Sensor signal has incorrect pulse pattern
637 02 637 02 JOHN DEERE Electrical noise detected on Pump Position Sensor + (cc# 174) and/or Pump Position Sensor - (cc# 175)
637 07 637 07 JOHN DEERE Position relationship between Engine Speed Sensor and Pump Position Sensor not correct (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
637 08 637 08 JOHN DEERE Engine Speed Sensor signal is missing
637 10 637 10 JOHN DEERE Engine Speed Sensor signal has incorrect pulse pattern
641 16 641 16 JOHN DEERE Propulsion system The temperature of the turbocharger drive is high. Reduce engine load and speed.
651 05 651 05 JOHN DEERE The current to Injector #1 is less than expected. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
651 06 651 06 JOHN DEERE The current to Injector #1 increases too rapidly. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)
651 07 651 07 JOHN DEERE The fuel flow to cylinder #1 is lower than expected. (9640, 9560-Engine Type B, 9660, 9580)
652 05 652 05 JOHN DEERE The current to Injector #2 is less than expected. (9640, 9560, 9660, 9580, 9680)