PCode Code Brand Description
P1106 17514 VAG O2 Sensor Circ.,Bank2-Sensor1 Voltage too Low/Air Leak
P1107 17515 VAG O2 Sensor Heating Circ.,Bank2-Sensor1 Short to B+
P1108 17516 VAG O2 Sensor Heating Circ.,Bank2-Sensor1 Output too Low
P1109 17517 VAG O2 Sensor Circ.,Bank2-Sensor2 Voltage too Low/Air Leak
P1110 17518 VAG O2 Sensor Heating Circ.,Bank2-Sensor2 Short to B+
P1111 17519 VAG O2 Control (Bank 1) System too lean
P1112 17520 VAG O2 Control (Bank 1) System too rich
P1113 17521 VAG Bank1-Sensor1 Internal Resistance too High
P1114 17522 VAG Bank1-Sensor2 Internal Resistant too High
P1115 17523 VAG O2 Sensor Heater Circ.,Bank1-Sensor1 Short to Ground