PCode Code Brand Description
P0762 17146 VAG Shift Solenoid C Stuck On
P0763 17147 VAG Shift Solenoid C Electrical
P0768 17152 VAG Shift Solenoid D Electrical
P0773 17157 VAG Shift Solenoid E Electrical
P0790 17174 VAG Normal/Performance Switch Circ Malfunction
P1101 17509 VAG O2 Sensor Circ.,Bank1-Sensor1Voltage too Low/Air Leak
P1102 17510 VAG O2 Sensor Heating Circ.,Bank1-Sensor1 Short to B+
P1103 17511 VAG O2 Sensor Heating Circ.,Bank1-Sensor1 Output too Low
P1104 17512 VAG Bank1-Sensor2 Voltage too Low/Air Leak
P1105 17513 VAG O2 Sensor Heating Circ.,Bank1-Sensor2 Short to B+