PCode Code Brand Description
P1782 18190 VAG Engine Torque Reduction Short to B+
P1784 18192 VAG Shift up/down Wire Open/Short to Ground
P1785 18193 VAG Shift up/down Wire Short to B+
P1786 18194 VAG Reversing Light Circ. Open
P1787 18195 VAG Reversing Light Circ. Short to Ground
P1788 18196 VAG Reversing Light Circ. Short to B+
P1789 18197 VAG Idle Speed Intervention Circ. Error Message from Engine Contr.
P1790 18198 VAG Transmission Range Display Circ. Open
P1791 18199 VAG Transmission Range Display Circ. Short to Ground
P1792 18200 VAG Transmission Range Display Circ. Short to B+