PCode Code Brand Description
P1646 18054 VAG Please Check DTC Memory of all wheel drive ECU
P1647 18055 VAG Please check coding of ECUs in Data Bus Powertrain
P1648 18056 VAG Data Bus Powertrain Malfunction
P1649 18057 VAG Data Bus Powertrain Missing message from ABS Control Module
P1650 18058 VAG Data Bus Powertrain Missing message fr.instrument panel ECU
P1651 18059 VAG Data Bus Powertrain missing messages
P1652 18060 VAG Please check DTC Memory of transmission ECU
P1653 18061 VAG Please check DTC Memory of ABS Control Module
P1654 18062 VAG Please check DTC Memory of control panel ECU
P1655 18063 VAG Please check DTC Memory of ADR Control Module