PCode Code Brand Description
C1256 P5256 PSA Roll of Valve of Entry of Covered ABS of Short RR to Battery
C1257 P5257 PSA Roll of Valve of Entry of Covered ABS of Short RR to Give good knowledge
C1258 P5258 PSA Speed wheel Defeat of Comparison of LF
C1259 P5259 PSA Speed wheel Defeat of Comparison of RF
C1260 P5260 PSA Speed wheel Defeat of Comparison of RR
C1261 P5261 PSA Speed wheel Defeat of Comparison of LR
C1262 P5262 PSA Lamp that Warns Defeat of Trip of Relief
C1263 P5263 PSA Lamp that Warns Trip of Open Relief
C1264 P5264 PSA Lamp that Warns Trip of Short Relief to Battery
C1265 P5265 PSA Lamp that Warns Trip of Short Relief to Give good knowledge