PCode Code Brand Description
C1216 P5216 PSA Roll of Valve of Entry of Covered ABS of Short RF to Battery
C1217 P5217 PSA Roll of Valve of Entry of Covered ABS of Short RF to Give good knowledge
C1218 P5218 PSA Lamp ABS Warning of Defeat of Trip of Exit
C1219 P5219 PSA Lamp ABS Warning of Open Trip of Exit
C1220 P5220 PSA Lamp ABS Warning of Short Trip of Exit to Battery
C1221 P5221 PSA Lamp ABS Warning of Short Trip of Exit to Give good knowledge
C1222 P5222 PSA Lacking in harmony in speed Wheel
C1223 P5223 PSA Brake of Lamp that Warns Defeat of Trip of Exit
C1224 P5224 PSA Brake of Lamp that Warns Open Trip of Exit
C1225 P5225 PSA Brake of Lamp that Warns Short Trip of Exit to Battery