PCode Code Brand Description
C1150 P5150 PSA Two Trip of Switch of Entry of Axis of speed Reverse Cut Vbatt
C1155 P5155 PSA Sensor of speed Wheel Failed of Trip of Entry of LF
C1156 P5156 PSA Covered sensor of speed Wheel of Open LF
C1157 P5157 PSA Switch of Assembly of Accionador of Brake of Park Fracaso of Applied Trip
C1158 P5158 PSA Sensor of Wheel of Speed Lacking in Coherence of LF
C1159 P5159 PSA Hydraulic Fluid pressure / Trip of Short Flow to Gnd
C1161 P5161 PSA Atmospheric pressure Covered Down Cut Gnd
C1162 P5162 PSA Switch of Brake of Park # 2 I Fail of Released Trip
C1163 P5163 PSA Switch of Brake of Park # 2 Short Applied Trip to Gnd
C1164 P5164 PSA Defeat of Trip of Switch of Assembly of Accionador of Brake of Park