PCode Code Brand Description
P2153 P2153 PSA Injector group C feeding tension low sign
P2154 P2154 PSA Injector group C feeding tension high sign
P2155 P2155 PSA Injector group D feeding tension open circuit
P2156 P2156 PSA Injector group D feeding tension low sign
P2157 P2157 PSA Injector group D feeding tension high sign
P2158 P2158 PSA Speed sensor of the vehicle B defective circuit
P2159 P2159 PSA Speed sensor of the vehicle B problem of status / functioning
P2160 P2160 PSA Speed sensor of the vehicle B low sign
P2161 P2161 PSA Sensor of velovidad of the vehicle B intermittent / erratic circuit
P2162 P2162 PSA Speed sensor of the vehicle A/B interrelation