PCode Code Brand Description
P1816 P1816 PSA Switch safety transmission deadlock - defective circuit
P1817 P1817 PSA Switch safety transmission deadlock - open circuit
P1818 P1818 PSA Switch safety transmission deadlock - I cut to positive
P1819 P1819 PSA Switch safety transmission deadlock - I cut to mass
P1820 P1820 PSA Relay changed transference transmission - defective circuit
P1821 P1821 PSA Relay changed transference transmission - open circuit
P1822 P1822 PSA Relay changed transference transmission - cut to positive
P1823 P1823 PSA Relay changed transference transmission - cut to mass
P1824 P1824 PSA Relay clutch transmission 4 wheels - defective circuit
P1825 P1825 PSA Relay clutch transmission 4 wheels - open circuit