PCode Code Brand Description
P1251 P1251 PSA Solenoid mixes air - defective circuit
P1252 P1252 PSA Interrelation pedal PDS1 and tall LPDS
P1253 P1253 PSA Interrelation pedal PDS1 and low LPDS
P1254 P1254 PSA Interrelation pedal PDS2 and tall LPDS
P1255 P1255 PSA Interrelation pedal PDS2 and low LPDS
P1256 P1256 PSA Interrelation pedal PDS1 and HPDS
P1257 P1257 PSA Interrelation pedal PDS2 and HPDS
P1258 P1258 PSA Interrelation pedal PDS1 and PDS2
P1259 P1259 PSA Error sign inmovilizador to motive module
P1260 P1260 PSA Detected theft - calificativo'immobilized vehicle