PCode Code Brand Description
P0999 P0999 PSA Electrovalvula changed F - high sign
P0A00 P0A00 PSA Trip of Sensor of Temperature of Refrigerant of Electronics of Engine
P0A01 P0A01 PSA Circuit of burning airbag conductive side stage 1
P0A02 P0A02 PSA Circuit of burning airbag conductive side stage 2
P0A03 P0A03 PSA Circuit of burning airbag side accompanist stage 1
P0A04 P0A04 PSA Circuit of burning airbag side accompanist stage 2
P0A05 P0A05 PSA Burning circuit tensile left belt
P0A06 P0A06 PSA Burning circuit tensile right belt
P0A07 P0A07 PSA Burning circuit left front side airbag
P0A08 P0A08 PSA Burning circuit right front side airbag