PCode Code Brand Description
P0800 P0800 PSA Control box transference, request witness you damage - incorrect functioning
P0801 P0801 PSA Burning circuit airbag conductive side stage 1
P0802 P0802 PSA Burning circuit airbag conductive side stage 2
P0803 P0803 PSA Burning circuit airbag side accompanist stage 1
P0804 P0804 PSA Burning circuit airbag side accompanist stage 2
P0805 P0805 PSA Burning circuit tensile left belt
P0806 P0806 PSA Burning circuit tensile right belt
P0807 P0807 PSA Burning circuit left front side airbag
P0808 P0808 PSA Burning circuit right front side airbag
P0809 P0809 PSA Burning circuit windowbag to the left