PCode Code Brand Description
P0642 P0642 PSA Motive detonation control - defective
P0643 P0643 PSA Tension indexes sensor A - high sign
P0644 P0644 PSA Screen of the driver, communication series - defective circuit
P0645 P0645 PSA Air conditioning
P0646 P0646 PSA Relay clutch compressor air conditioning - low sign
P0647 P0647 PSA Relay clutch compressor air conditioning - high sign
P0648 P0648 PSA Witness control inmovilizador - defective circuit
P0649 P0649 PSA Witness speed cruise - defective circuit
P0650 P0650 PSA Witness of breakdowns - defective circuit
P0651 P0651 PSA Tension indexes sensor B - open circuit