PCode Code Brand Description
P0494 P0494 PSA Speed motive refrigerating fan goes down
P0495 P0495 PSA Speed motive refrigerating fan high
P0496 P0496 PSA System emission evaporation - flow purges high place
P0497 P0497 PSA System emission evaporation - flow purges down
P0498 P0498 PSA System emission evaporation, control ventilation - low sign
P0499 P0499 PSA System emission evaporation, control ventilation - high sign
P04FB P04FB PSA Covered Retroindicador gases escapes
P0500 P0500 PSA Speed transmitter of the vehicle
P0501 P0501 PSA Device was in charge, error in wiring
P0502 P0502 PSA Sensor speed vehicle - low brought in sign