PCode Code Brand Description
P005E P005E PSA Communication between the units control sist. elec. head office and bus DOG
P005F P005F PSA Communication between the units control sist. elec. head office and ABS/ESP
P0060 P0060 PSA Defusing switch airbag side accompanist
P0061 P0061 PSA Defusing switch airbag side accompanist
P0062 P0062 PSA Light warned airbag
P0063 P0063 PSA Light warned airbag
P0064 P0064 PSA Communication between the units control sist. elec. central and additive Diesel
P0065 P0065 PSA Communication between the units control sist. elec. central and of air-conditioning
P0066 P0066 PSA Injector assisted by air - defective circuit, low sign
P0067 P0067 PSA Injector assisted by air - high sign